Hip Hop LDN is a 6-time award-winning, multi-brand media, entertainment and hospitality group. Hip Hop LDN creates and operates some of the world’s largest immersive day parties in locations across London - ‘The Modern Day Brunch’ - an epic daytime event. Often sold out in advance, Hip Hop LDN is hosting thousands of nostalgic urban music lovers every month.
As the in-house Graphic Designer, I deal with all marketing assets needed for the events & the company. From the weekly promotional posters and presentation decks to gifs all aimed at marketing the brand's image to the audience.
When I joined HHL the brand didn't have consistency for the weekly posters in their events, therefore, I created a set of templates for each brunch to be used as the normal weekly events posters allowing the audience to recognise HHL events easier and also create a more impactful brand.
GIFs not JIFs
Created as supporting elements to use across social media as watermarks, videos, stories, and posts, in the background at events and more. These Gifs have been uploaded to the giphy.com database which is the most popular service for gifs, you can just search HHL or Hip Hop Ldn on the Gif section when you text someone or post a story on Instagram, and it will pop up. Due to this within a few months the Gifs reached 600k Views allowing more traffic to come to the brands.